A variety of services  are available for you!

Our services

Program Development
Designing transformative projects based on sound research and Donor requirements such as Global Affairs Canada, International Humanitarian Assistance, USAID, DfID, DANIDA, WFP, UNHCR, UNDP, United State Department, European Commission (ECHO and EC DevCo).
project management, business planning, project manager
Gender, equality and social inclusion
conduct gender analysis, gender mainstreaming in programs, gender based monitoring and evaluation. Ensuring projects are based on the unique nees of the target groups regarding gender, age and diversity.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Ensure an effective design of MEAL system, evaluation frameworks, Surveys and evaluations conducted at various phases. Accountability and learning: Baselines, Design of LMs, PMFs. Research: Quantitative and qualitative data collection
Project Management

Ensuring all projects are managed and executed based on the project lifecycle which includes project conception and initiation, planning, execution, performance/monitoring and project close.

We venture into innovative projects that are geared towards enhancing user experiences in Information technology, Cybersecurity, networking, software applications and content development support, including social media strategy development.

Capacity building

We train and develop your team remotely or face to face where possible.
We have a vast experience in a range of fields in Project management, gender mainstreaming, team building, le
adership development, strategic planning, organizational culture, executive facilitation.

workplace, team, business meeting